holla back!

today is the day the girlfriends celebrate our friendship.  it all started freshman year of college when a passive aggressive dorm mate wrote the most amazing note ever.  it went something like this:

this is a reproduction. NOT the real thing.

 (to keep this amazing letter writer anonymous i have shown only the first and last letters of her name.  and no, you will never guess what it is)

we obviously thought these series of letters were hilarious so we decided to make 12/17 our friendship holiday (because we’re awesome).  this year we celebrated with moustaches, the most delicious dinner ever (at fatty ‘cue–you NEED to go), and friend-pons. 

work it.

FRIEND-PONS?! WHAT ARE THOSE?!  they’re coupons for your friends (obviously).  instead of breaking the bank and shopping why not make coupons specially catered to your friends?!  they’re free, they’re fun, they’re friend-pons! 

i got my pons!

December 17, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , . funfetti. 1 comment.